The site fronts on McKay Road and has a total area of approximately 1 hectare (ha). The ground surface is primarily asphalt, with some gravel areas along the back of the site and sodded areas landscaped along the front. A rail spur runs along the rear of the property. The site is secured with a 3m high chain link fence surrounding the property. Access to the property is controlled via a security gate (Figure 1: Site Plan drawing). The site is located in an industrial section of the City of Pickering with light to medium industrial operations to the east, west and north of the site and utility operations to the south. The nearest residential property is located greater than 1.25 km from the site. The nearest surface water/wetlands to the facility, approximately 0.75 km east, are wetlands associated with the Duffins Creek watershed. There are no schools, hospitals or day care facilities within 1.5 km of the facility.
The site is occupied by two buildings with a gross floor area of 1,602 square metres which contains the following:
Building 1
Building 2
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (ECC)
Kevin Shaver
(905) 686-2111
820 McKay Road,
Pickering Ontario L1W 2Y4